Michael Jackson - Earth Song
What about sunrise?
What about rain?
What about all the things,
That you said we were to gain?
What about killing fields?
Is there a time?
What about all the things,
That you said was yours and mine?
Did you ever stop to notice,
All the blood we've shed before?
Did you ever stop to notice,
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aah............... Oo...........
Aah............... Oo...........
What have we done to the world?
Look what we've done.
What about all the peace,
That you pledge your only son?
What about flowering fields?
Is there a time?
What about all the dreams,
That you said was yours and mine?
Did you ever stop to notice,
All the children dead from war?
Did you ever stop to notice,
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aah............... Oo...........
Aah............... Oo...........
I used to dream.
I used to glance beyond the stars.
Now I don't know where we are.
Although I know we've drifted far.
Aah............... Oo...........
Aah............... Oo...........
Aah............... Oo...........
Aah............... Oo...........
What about yesterday?
What about the seas?
The heavens are falling down.
I can't even breathe!
What about apathy?
I can feel its wounds.
What about nature's worth?
It's our planet's womb!
What about animals?
We've turned kingdoms to dust,
What about elephants?
Have we lost their trust?
What about crying whales?
Ravaging the seas.
What about forest trails?
Burnt despite our pleas!
What about the holy land?
Torn apart by creed.
What about the common man?
Can't we set him free?
What about children dying?
Can't you hear them cry?
Where did we go wrong?
Someone tell me why!
What about baby boy?
What about the days?
What about all their joy?
What about the man?
What about the crying man?
What about Abraham?
What about death again?
Do we give a damn?!
"Earth Song" is the third single from Michael Jackson's album HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I. It is a ballad that incorporates elements of blues, gospel and opera. Jackson had a long-standing history of releasing socially conscious material such as "We Are the World", "Man in the Mirror" and "Heal the World". However, "Earth Song" was the first that overtly dealt with the environment and animal welfare. The song was written and composed by Jackson; the task of production was split between Jackson, David Foster and Bill Bottrell.
Teoretic nu trebuia sa postez nimic de muzica dat fiind ca acest blog este in mare parte din alte motive si nu preferinte muzicale,dar din anumite considerente pe care eu le cred temenice voi face acest post. nu au trecut nici 24 de ore si cel mai cunoscut interprer pop de pe terra din toate timpurile a decedat lasand o pata de soc,consternare si durere in inimile a sute de milioane de cetateni de pe planeta. mi s-a sugerat sa nu ii jelesc moartea pentru ca el oricum era bolnav ...and such. le-am raspuns ca nu plang pentru un bolnav cu frustrari care si-a depigmentat pielea si a fost torturat de multe curente care l-au tras in sute de directii daca nu sute de mii si care a fost tarat ca un animal prin procese mediatice si juridice ci plang pentru un om care ma ajuta sa fac cercul unitarismului mondial si ajutorul planetar ,plang pentru un om care a ajutat ,plang pentru un om care cu siguranta si fara doar si poate a schimbat conceptia mondiala a celor ce l-au ascultat si placut/respectat. Plang pentru un om care s-a bucurat de viata si plang pentru un om care eu consider ca era benefic sa mai supravietuieasca chiar daca incalc legi ale karmei prin afirmatia si egoismul dorintei mele. Eu plang un rege nu un cantaret. Un om care a muncit la melodiile lui de la maduva pana la unghie si fir de par. Eu plang dupa un brand international de importanta echivalenta cu Papa Paul al Doilea. Daca fostul suveran pontif a oprit razboaie cu prezenta,MJ a facut-o uman cu vocea.
Plang pentru un copil care nu a avut timp sa traiasca viata.
Consider corecta punerea acestui videoclip,Earth Song, in blogul meu din cauza ca foarte recent a aparut un film sponsorizat de firme extraordinar de poluante si care consuma miliarde de dolari si resurse umane si naturale fara intelegere umana.
Consider ca am facut bine punand tocmai acest videoclip in blogul meu deoarece Regele a reusit sa adune oameni sa se opreasca batai si vocea lui ,sentimentele lui,parul peste ochi,zambetul indiferent de culoarea buzelor lui erau magice.
Tipatul lui,bataile inimii lui si sunetul degetelor lui ca ritm ,dansul unic si magic,inovatile aduse in muzica ce vor fii inegalabile. Poate apar alte stiluri si sa apara caci in Pop e useless incercarea de a copia un zeu.
Sa moara un simplu interpret e una. Sa incremeneasca familia ta toata cand aud vestea si sa-ti trezesti mama in miez de noapte sa anunti moartea unui rege. Devin dramatic si nostalgic ,dar sentimentele scoase din mine de vocea lui ..."What about yesterday?
What about the seas?
The heavens are falling down.
I can't even breathe!
What about apathy?
I can feel its wounds.
What about nature's worth?"
E prea normal sa imi exprim empatia sus specificata de Rege fara pic de retinere si sa o impartasesc cu tine drag cititor ,daca nu chiar drag fan MJ.
Sper sa va bucure Mintea,Trupul si mai ales Sufletul Michael. Expansionati-va sufletul incat sa incapa toata iubirea si sentimentele bune existente in voi cum intra fiecare om bun,rau,mare,mic pe preaiubita noastra planeta.
Multumiri pentru desen - Ciuchiban
Multumiri pentru sprijin - Ayu No.